• Justice Nock served as a key advisor to civic supporters of New York State Assembly Bill A6540A and New York Senate Bill S6200A, defining, for the very first time, “consent” in relation to sexual contact, providing much needed protection to victims of sexual harassment and assault.

“Justice Lou Nock has demonstrated the type of compassion, character, and skill that the public can count on in our continuing battle against sexual assault and harassment. His dedication to service and justice is invaluable to anyone who cares about the quality of our courts.”

Joyce M. Short, New York State Assembly Woman of Distinction Honoree, and Author, “Your Consent: The Key to Conquering Sexual Assault.”

  • Justice Nock’s record as a Criminal Court judge confirms his dedication to working with prosecutors and defense counsel in their efforts to help defendants charged with crimes of poverty and addiction into social programs, as a preferred alternative to incarceration.